Intro & Why "The Big Ringo"

Intro & Why "The Big Ringo"

Welcome to the Big Ringo, your source for all things Family x Japan x New York!

So… why The Big Ringo? 

I am Eiko, a mom of 2 living in Manhattan. I grew up in Nara, Japan and Los Angeles, and have called New York my home for the past 12+ years. 

Growing up in LA, I was still constantly exposed to Japanese language and culture (we had Nikkei newspaper delivered everyday), where options for Japanese language education were abundant (I myself attended a Japanese government sponsored “hoshuko” until middle school), and ate my mom's home-cooked Japanese meals every day (thanks to her SAHM status).  Accessing “Japan” was not difficult back in the day.

Things are quite different nowadays, especially in NYC, for me and my family. And perhaps yours, too. 

The days of the 80’s Japanese “bubble” are gone; the “North American” headquarters of Japanese conglomerates are moving away from this expensive city. The population of Japanese speaking expats is shrinking, and so are all the activities surrounding this group. My "home-cooked meal" consists of any vegetable roasted in the oven at 425F with some sort of meat and a side of Japanese rice that somewhat makes it a "Japanese" meal. You have to really search and do your due diligence to find what works for you and your family when it comes to Japanese language education - because there are only a very few options - or dare to drive 1-2 hours to Weschester, Connecticut or Jersey. 

On the flip side is that interest for Japanese culture is evermore heightened. Thanks to easier access to comic books, streaming services, more and more individuals have had a chance to access Japan and its culture - virtually. Well, if all things virtual could replace all things that are physical, then I wouldn’t need to worry too much - but that is not the case. I still want my kids to hear Taiko’s beats in their hearts and stomachs; I want my kids to smash the watermelon like a pinata. 

Did I tell you - I married an American, with no prior exposure to Japanese except for some manga and artists.  My kids are “doubles” (we refuse to refer to them as “halves”). It seems that more and more of ‘us’ are in New York. I don’t have any official stats on this, but I bet if anyone actually did the research, the number of “doubles” kids are likely growing. When your partner doesn’t share the same Japanese cultural background, what happens? This is where it gets interesting - the eagerness to learn about Japan increases trifold - because now your partner, like your kids, wants to learn about Japan! So, here it is… introducing the Big Ringo. 

So, what’s The Big Ringo About? 

The Big Ringo's goal is to help families find and enjoy Japanese culture in New York. My initial plan is to consolidate various, often scattered and outdated information into periodically published newsletters. These newsletters will cover upcoming events, classes for kids, and other (random) life resources that your family might be looking for (or never knew needed!) You definitely do not have to be a Japanese speaker, or of Japanese descent to be a part of the community - in fact, we welcome anyone who is curious about incorporating Japanese culture in your family's day to day.

I hope to answer questions like these in the coming months in the newsletter: 

Are there any family-friendly events coming up? 

What options are there for Saturday Japanese schools? 

Which Japanese restaurants serve kids plates ("Okosama Lunch")?  

Where can I find Japanese-speaking babysitters? 

Are there summer camps in Japan my kids can apply to? (OK, I NEED THIS. Pls send help, I mean... information!)

Spread the word… So we can do more! 

The initial idea to start The Big Ringo came about because I was already doing the research for my family.  Upon speaking with my friends, it became clear to me that so many others were seeking the same information! If more families could participate in various Japan-related activities and events tailored for kids and family, we can continue to evolve and make Japanese culture more accessible, even if we are 11,000km away from Tokyo. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you sign up for future emails from The Big Ringo. It’ll motivate me to continue working on this personal project. As always, please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested, and your feedback is always appreciated. 

Best Regards,


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